
Client configuration

Start by importing the Python Client and authentication provider:

from tamr_unify_client import Client
from tamr_unify_client.auth import UsernamePasswordAuth

Next, create an authentication provider and use that to create an authenticated client:

import os

username = os.environ['UNIFY_USERNAME']
password = os.environ['UNIFY_PASSWORD']

auth = UsernamePasswordAuth(username, password)
unify = Client(auth)


For security, it’s best to read your credentials in from environment variables instead of hardcoding them directly into your code.

By default, the client tries to find the Unify instance on localhost. To point to a different host, set the host argument when instantiating the Client.

For example, to connect to

unify = Client(auth, host='')

Top-level collections

The Python Client exposes 2 top-level collections: Projects and Datasets.

You can access these collections through the client and loop over their members with simple for-loops.


for project in unify.projects:

for dataset in unify.datasets:

Fetch a specific resource

If you know the identifier for a specific resource, you can ask for it directly via the by_resource_id methods exposed by collections.

E.g. To fetch the project with ID '1':

project = unify.projects.by_resoure_id('1')

Resource relationships

Related resources (like a project and its unified dataset) can be accessed through specific methods.

E.g. To access the Unified Dataset for a particular project:

ud = project.unified_dataset()

Kick-off Unify Operations

Some methods on Model objects can kick-off long-running Unify operations.

Here, kick-off a “Unified Dataset refresh” operation:

operation = project.unified_dataset().refresh()
assert op.succeeded()

By default, the API Clients expose a synchronous interface for Unify operations.