Style Guide


Code should generally conform to the PEP8 style guidelines.

  • Flake8 is a linter to help check that code is aligned with these formatting requirements

  • Black is a formatter that can be used to automatically reformat code to resolve many (but not all) formatting issues

  • For details on using these tools, see the dev tasks guide


  • Classes with methods should be avoided in favor of simple dataclasses and functions

  • Types (i.e. dataclasses) should be within the _types package. Separating types and functions into different packages helps keep type resolution simple so that all of our tools (mypy, sphinx, pytest) run correctly.

Google-style docstrings

All functions and class definitions should use Google-style docstrings and be annotated with type hints.

Internal Imports

When importing from within tamr-client:

  • Use import statements for modules, classes, and exceptions

  • Never import functions directly. Instead import the containing module and use module.function

  • Use from foo import bar instead of import as bar